23. Minds-On as well as Hands-On: Alom Shaha

Alom Shaha talks about his book “Mr Shaha’s Recipes for Wonder”, his love of Practical, the videos he makes to support teachers and equality.


  • Physics in the News: Black Hole Photo @ 01:01
  • Katie Bouman @ 2:24
  • Emails from listeners @ 06:29
  • Announcing the next Ways to teach… episode @ 08:29
  • Alom Shaha intro @ 10:06
    • Recipes for Wonder @ 11:42
    • Parents are the first teachers @ 12:29
    • Alom’s Videos and helping teachers of Physics @ 23:00
    • Inclusivity @ 31:55
  • Competition! @ 38:02


Physics in the news is (of course) the recent first ever photo of a Black Hole by the Event Horizon Telescope; Thomas mentioned the XKCD cartoon that gives its scale. We then thanked some listeners who have contacted the podcast before introducing Alom Shaha. Alom has (with Emily Robertson) created a book for Primary Age children that encourages them to do Science with their parents: Recipes for Wonder. Alom also has a YouTube channel (Sciencefilms) that is aimed at teachers. Alom had a lot of interesting things to sy so this is our longest episode yet.

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