Technician Sites

In Episode 22: Technicians and Teacher talk we put a couple of sites in our show notes that can support technicians. We had an email from Seamus Smith who suggested we link to more sites. If you want to suggest another link please tweet us @physicstp or email using the form below.

So we decided to make a list of any web sites that might be useful for technicians:

TecHKnow is a huge resource that already collates many different sites useful to technicians in their directory. There is also an active forum that (for example) mentions the foil speaker from episode 22 plus a link to instructions. is a mailing list for teechnicians. It is “intended to be used for the dissemination of good practice, and to assist subscribers in resolving problems related to all aspects of the teaching of the science in schools, colleges and univiersities.” say they are “a FREE website resource for school science departments. We include searchable practical and equipment databases, a data and info library, thousands of downloadables, guides, a directory of useful links and an extensive community forums area.”