Tag: NQT

  • @MissNeutrino, a Physics NQT

    @MissNeutrino, a Physics NQT

    Alexia has a Physics degree from Imperial (which made Robin happy) and a PGCE from the London Institute of Education (which made Thomas happy). She has many strings to her bow. In addition to being a physics teacher, Alexia is a LaTeX guru, has a fascinaton with neutrinos and tweets as @MissNeutrino. Alexia tells us…

  • Finding Physics Teaching at Fifty-Three

    Finding Physics Teaching at Fifty-Three

    Thomas, Robin and Patrick Kaplo hear from Jonathan Shaw, a late career change to Physics teaching who is in his NQT year at 53 years old. Jonathan also challenges the team to select the most important equipment for a new physics department. Timestamps Vacuum cannon update @ 00:39 Ways to teach… Waves reminder @ 01:04…